~About The Crew~

We are a group of diligent couch potatoes, who are deeply devoted to hardwork in the commonroom.
The couch is our vice and is the place where we sit and
-doze off
-attempt to find solutions to the endless list of toils that university life brings.

Its all about balance and so are we. On top of all that, we are just too cool. We put the french in the fry, the ato in potato, the ash in mash and the cool in school.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Potatoes to the rescue

You may be wondering about the funny photo comic below. Well, it is our new journalism assignment that has given us many grey hairs but even more smiles. Our task was to make a comic that portrays issues of university life, using whatever you thought would bring your message across most effectively. The creative doors were thrown wide open and hopefully you can see that we grabbed this oppurtunity with both hands. We decided to use potatoes mainly because it mashed in nicely with the theme of our blog and because it adds humour to the serious issues that plague all students at Rhodes. Humour is an effectve way to bring closer attention to things that we usually do not like to deal with, either because we think it will never happen to us or because it has happened to us or a friend and we do not want to face reality. But just like the potatoes in our comic, we must unite and overcome these problems to ensure a safer Rhodes for every student and potato!
Hope this brings you as much laughter as it did us but without detracting from the severity of the situation!

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